Every generation thinks their decade of childhood was the best but I'm here to argue that the 90s was without a doubt the best decade to grow up in. 

Every generation may think their decade of childhood was the best but I'm here to argue that the 90s was without a doubt the best decade to grow up in. 
Does anyone else miss spending a Friday night trawling through the video collection at your local Blockbuster? Or what about pogs, tearaway trousers or even street parties? 
Remember the days our parents would pull out the bunting, block off the road and we would eat sweets, run wild and play rounders after the street lights went on? Why did it ever stop? 
An initiative called Street Feast is trying to bring the old school tradition back after a successful year last year with over 130,000 taking part in 1,280 street parties and community lunches.
Supported by the Department of Community and Rural Development and the Local Authorities, Street Feast is run by a group of volunteers with an aim of bringing communities together.
Street Feast believes by hosting a lovely lunch, communities will get to meet and connect with neighbours helping to promote a safer community for the future and helps celebrate how multi-cultural and diverse neighbourhoods have become in recent years.
It gives everyone an excuse to get out there, share food and get talking which in return helps build stronger neighbourhoods something that seems to have been lost over the years. 
While some of us are lucky enough to be part of a strong community, others can feel very isolated and lost within their area making this celebration of meeting new people over some good food perfect for building stronger neighbourhoods. 
Talking about the upcoming event, Sam Bishop, co-founder and coordinator of Street Feast said: "Street Feast is a national event to celebrate community. It isn’t any old shindig. It’s a not for profit, all-for-fun, do-it-yourself celebration. Street Feast is a neighbourhood street party that will be hosted by neighbours all over Ireland at the same time."
"This 5th of May at around 12 noon, communities across Ireland will sit down for a feast to celebrate community. They can be anywhere really - out on the street, in a local park or in your front garden."
To host a party with your neighbours as part of the new National Community Weekend on Sunday 5th May register for a free Street Feast party pack complete with invites, balloons, posters, bunting and a DIY guide with lots of hints and tips.
Street Feast is also giving away boxes of street chalk at participating libraries across Ireland as part of the community project. Street Feast hosts can check the current list of participating libraries here.
Kellie Kearney is a Dublin mammy of 4 kids aged 2, 3, 5 and 9 (and she is expecting baby #5 in May). Described as a self-confessed procrastinator and picker-upper of things, Kellie would never turn down a coffee, loves to travel and shares her every day true to life moments on Instagram