Representing a part of motherhood that is rarely seen in mainstream media, Mothercare's marketing team have nailed it with their latest campaign.

Representing a part of motherhood that is rarely seen in mainstream media, Mothercare's marketing team have nailed it with their latest campaign.
The new advertising campaign called Body Proud Mums aims to encourage new mothers to feel confident about their post-baby bodies. After all, there is no one size fits all for any woman. 
Alongside a series of ten images, the baby and childcare brand said: "At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies."
"We are so delighted to be launching Body Proud Mums our new campaign that celebrates the beauty of the post-birth body and represents a part of motherhood that is rarely portrayed in the media."
The images, which were recently awarded the runner-up in Transport for London’s "Women We See" competition, seeks to normalise new mum experiences and to spark a positive conversation by helping mums feel confident and proud of their post-baby bodies. 
They said: "At the heart of the campaign is the belief that all mums are beautiful. After all, their bodies have just performed a miracle."
The images comprising of ten women holding their babies wearing just underwear reveal stretch marks, scars and other physical effects of pregnancy and childbirth can be seen across social media and on billboards across the United Kingdom. 
Just seventeen weeks following birth, mum-of-one Kesia who took part in the campaign said she wanted to show people what was "normal" after pregnancy.
She said: "I always knew my body would be different after giving birth, however, I didn’t expect my mind to take so long to get used to seeing myself. I was never “skinny” but I put on more weight than I thought I would."
"A lot of friends had babies close to me and they post online about their bodies, and I do feel upset sometimes that I haven’t bounced back in the same way they have. I know every woman is different and I am not as hard on myself anymore."
"I wanted to take part to show people that it is normal to look like this after having a baby. I want to show the baby is more important than the marks!" she concluded. 
Another mum, Chantelle, eleven weeks post-partum, said: "I actually love my body. It has done the most amazing thing, and I acknowledge and honour what it has created for me. Any marks left are a welcome reminder of our journey."
"I was very lucky and had what could be regarded as the ideal pregnancy. I have fibromyalgia, and the hormones from pregnancy made all my pain go away, which was even more amazing for me."
"The best part of being a mother is seeing my baby’s happy little face each morning. I love the way he looks at me like he knows how much I love him and he feels safe with me."
The photographer behind the powerful campaign imagery, Sophie Mayanne, once pledged never to digitally manipulate skin in her work.
Talking about the body positive campaign images, she said they "depict the raw and incredibly emotional experience of childbirth." She believes all mums will identify with the pictures and hopes they will feel more confident with their imperfections no matter what shape or size they are. 
Kellie Kearney is a Dublin mammy of 4 kids aged 2, 3, 4 and 8 (and she is expecting baby #5 in May). A self-confessed procrastinator and picker-upper of things, Kellie would never turn down a coffee and she loves to travel and share every day true to life moments on Instagram of her expanding family. Follow her daily adventures on Instagram.