These comical photos demonstrate the answers...

This collection of photos from a very talented mum photographer depicts the life of a stay-at-home mum with such accuracy and a sense of humor.
Anna Angenend is a stay-at-home mum and photographer and from the images below, portrays that life with a toddler can be chaotic. To be honest, I'd say this is something most parents of young children would agree with! We do! Our boys really do keep us on our toes!
We're not the type of mums who live in Pinterest Perfect homes, so we totally get how Anna captures all the messy minutes of a day in the life of a stay at home mum with this wonderful collection of pictures entitled "Mom Life". They really do demonstrate mum life in all its chaotic glory. (We love these!)
So for anyone out there who's ever asked or thought to themselves; "what do those stay-at-home mums do all day" here's your answers...
Early morning start... got to look our best!
Just a few i's to dot and t's to cross @ 8am
Zoning out in a chill out - child free temple!
Indulging in some retail therapy!
Preparing a simple lunch without any fuss
Just a few socks and jocks to wash and fold
Relaxing with a good read!
Having some intellectual conversations with some colleagues over coffee break
Basking in the glory of the sun
Winding down before zzzz's
Making sure to get a full 8 hours restful sleep
Like what you see?
You can check out all of Anna's photography on her website or Facebookpage.
She's one talented lady!