Here are some top tips on avoiding the January slump

Christmas is over and the New Year is nearly upon us which can mean a dreary January ahead. 
Lots of people find it hard to get back into the swing of things after the Christmas period but it is important to get back on the horse (so to speak) and move forward. Here are a few ways you can handle the post-Christmas blues…
  • Expect a bit of a let-down- Christmas is a high time but at some point life has to get back to normal and reality resumes. That is the beauty of Christmas and why it is so special as life is calmer and magical for a short but a wondrous time. Accept that the New Year has to come eventually but celebrate the fact that you had a wonderful Christmas and hold onto those memories. 
  • Set yourself goals- You don’t have to make lots of resolutions that you have no intention of keeping, but set yourself one goal to achieve and follow through. You may not get there this year but keep working away, achieving your dreams is not easy and it won’t fall into your lap-so go looking for it. 
  • Recognise the advantages the New Year brings- It is a New Year so anything is possible, and who knows what the new dawn will bring? It could be a new start, a chance to change things if you want things to change? Focus on the future and the beauty of the unknown that the New Year brings, if there is something you are really unhappy with in life promise yourself you will do everything you can to change it. Life is short so live it to the full and surround yourself by people who appreciate you. 
  • Keep visiting relatives and be around people you love- Christmas is gone but that doesn’t mean you can’t visit your Auntie anymore, as people love to have family around. If you have kids they will enjoy getting into the car at the weekend and dropping into extended family, and it will give you all some comfort knowing that you have a good strong family bond around you. 
  • Find something to look forward to- It doesn’t have to be a big thing but even a trip to the zoo at the end of the month is something that you can all look forward to. If you are considering a holiday spend January researching places to visit and though it is months till the summer it is having that holiday to aim towards. Family occasions are enjoyable and if you have a lot of nieces and nephews you could be busy every week with confirmations, birthdays and communions which are another reason to celebrate and hang out with your loved ones. On a weekly basis look for one positive thing to happen each week, and be grateful that everyone you love is happy and healthy. 
I wish you a very happy and healthy New Year X 
Written by Emma, staff writer with and Irish mummy blogger. Check out her own blog at