Slow cooking is great when you are preparing meals in advance. This chicken casserole recipe is perfect for a wholesome slow-cooked meal.

You can swap the white wine for some extra stock if you prefer not to include it.  

Time needed: 6 hours and 10 minutes.


  1. Fry the chicken thighs.

    In a large frying pan add half of the oil and brown the chicken thighs for approx 8 mins until they are nice and golden. Remove the chicken and set aside. Alternatively, if you have a slow cooker that has a searing function, you can brown the chicken in this.

  2. Add the bacon and shallots.

    Next, add the bacon and shallots to the frying pan and gently brown.

  3. Add everything into the slow cooker.

    Add everything to the slow cooker and cook on a high setting for 6 hours.

  4. Serve with flat-leaf parsley.

    Divide into bowls, garnish with some flat-leaf parsley and serve.