Now that Christmas has come and gone (can you believe it?) you might be struggling to get back on plan with your healthy eating or exercise.

I’m Tracey! I am a Slimming World Consultant in Tallaght but most importantly I am a Slimming World member. I have lost five stone following the plan and words cannot convey just how much it has changed my life in every single way.
I was a comfort eater, a secret eater and miserably unhappy for all of my teenage life. Since becoming a parent something clicked for me. I want to be around for my son for as long as I can be. I don’t want him to grow up seeing food as the enemy and as a reason to hide his emotions. Slimming World has changed everything for me and I want to help others do the same.
Now that Christmas has come and gone (can you believe it?) you might be struggling to get back on plan with your healthy eating or exercise. The truth is that you may find it difficult to even imagine eating the way you did a couple of weeks ago.
That’s the thing about food at this festive time of year. It tends to involve a lot of sugar and when we are eating a lot of sugar we are craving a lot of sugar. To add to this, we probably have not experienced the feeling of hunger for about two weeks now.
I don’t know about you but Christmas time, for me, seems to be a constant conveyor belt of food offerings. This means that people are out of touch with their regular meal times, appetite and portion sizes.
We’ve enjoyed the time off but a lot of us will be feeling extremely sluggish by now. Energy levels are at an all-time low and our clothes are feeling very very snug indeed. It’s time to inject a bit of nutrition back into our lives. But where do we start?
As a Slimmer and a Slimming World consultant I can completely relate to how difficult it is to simply “switch it back on” when you have been off plan for a number of meals or days. I’ve put together ten tips that should help you gently move back into a space of healthy eating.
1. Just start with the next meal. Focusing on the bigger picture and the overall goal can seem very overwhelming. Just plan a healthy meal and take it from there.
2. Get rid of your trigger foods. If half-opened boxes of Pringles and selection boxes are massive temptations for you (me too) then don’t be afraid to just bin them. Out of sight, out of mind.
3. Start with your favourite meal. Sometimes you need to fall back in love with healthy eating. Starting with a meal the whole family enjoy is a great way to kick start things.
4. Weigh yourself, but only once a week. It’s empowering to know where you are in your journey but stick to one weekly weigh in. It will give you something to work towards.
5. Do a healthy food shop. If the food isn’t there it can’t be eaten. Stock up on fruit, lean meats, plenty of vegetables and whole grains. If these foods are looking at you it will be a constant reminder and encouragement.
6. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Allow yourself a treat once a day if that works for you – but have it at a time that you will really consciously enjoy it. For me, it’s in the evenings with a cuppa.
7. Don’t be afraid to say no to lunches, meals and social occasions. It’s not about “letting it take over your life” but some of us just need a good run at things to get back into the right frame of mind before we are able to handle an occasion that involves tempting food.
8. Remember that alcohol is liquid cream cakes. It is full of sugar! Switch to spirits and diet mixers or give the alcohol a break for a while. Your body will thank you for the detox.
9. Treat yourself to a nice bath bomb or candle to take the emphasis away from rewarding yourself with food.
10. Get some fresh air as often as possible. It always gives you a clearer state of mind and a fresh perspective.
Tracey is a happy mammy to four-year-old Billy. She is a breastfeeder, gentle parent and has recently lost five stone so healthy family eating is her passion! You can find her at