Qualified nutritional therapist Betty O'Neill shares her top food and wellness trends that will benefit both you and the environment.

Every year I notice that there are more and more new and different foods and health trends popping up.  

Here are some of my favourite food and wellness trends that will benefit you and the environment. 

1. Sauerkraut

This is not a new one, however, it is still a must. Sauerkraut is made from cabbage soaked in good quality salt, herbs and spices. But why do we need this type of food? It contains beneficial bacteria which helps to feed our microbiome.

Their function is :

  • The bacteria in our gut can break down our food the body cannot digest
  • Produce important nutrients
  • Regulate the immune system
  • Protect against harmful germs
  • Support a good mood

You don't need to eat the jar, a teaspoon or a dessert spoon on your plate at a meal is enough. This will be plenty of bacteria to nourish, feed and support your microbiome.

2. Vegan - Plant-based Diet

Veganism is a plant-based diet that has taken over in the last year or so, whether it's for health or moral reasons. However, there are many additional health benefits from being on a vegan, such as: 

  • More fibre
  • Increased antioxidants
  • Decreased risk of heart disease
  • Reduce the risk of cancer

My only fear is that you may not be getting the correct macros in your diet, such as carbs, protein and healthy fats. Don't fall into the trap of opting for the processed foods in the aisle of the supermarket. They may have more additives and sugar than you think.

3. Mindful Meditation

We live in an even busier world than ever before, with constant demands from every angle which equals higher stress levels. What do we mean by stress? What we believe is stress, may just be an inbox full of emails, an angry customer or your boss putting pressure for that deadline.  

Clearly, this is not physical stress but your body thinks it is, making you go into fright, fight or flight mode. What is extremely beneficial for this, is mindful meditation, relax, deep breathing and stalling the body.   This, again, is not a new trend but becoming even more popular and I feel it will get even more so this year. I love Headspace or Calm  Check them out!

4. Zero Waste

There are so many shops offering a re-fill option at the moment. Bring your own containers and refill in the shop, some may offer a discount even! This indeed may be a new style of shopping but it is paving the way for a new style of eco-friendly, cutting out on wasteful shopping and casual eating. I love this idea, in fact, some cafes offer a choice of bringing your own coffee cup and this helps to cut down on waste too.

5. Intermittent Fasting

Another new trend for this year is intermittent fasting. This is an eating style where you eat within a specific time period and fast the rest of the time. The window can be 12 hours or 16 hours depending on the person. The health benefits are weight loss, protection against chronic disease, improve brain function and supports blood sugar levels.   This not recommended for everyone, especially anyone with any health issues, so please contact your health care professional before embarking on this new trend.

So whether it is a vegan diet or the zero-waste trend that you are going to embark on, it will do you and environment good. Find a friend or work colleague that is interested to share your new habit and you can support each other - it will make it a lot easier to keep it up. 

Will you be trying out any of these food and wellness trends?

Betty O'Neill is a qualified Nutritional Therapist and runs Betty O'Neill Nutritional Therapy. Here she takes consultations with clients one-to-one in person or via Skype. Betty has helped lots of people, both adults and children with their health, by simple and effective changes. Even if it is bloating, wind, constipation or hormonal issues, she can help.