When my three-year-old was officially diagnosed with a dairy allergy recently I felt completely overwhelmed.

What would she eat? What would she snack on? Would my other three children have to be dairy-free too?

But, thankfully I did some research and I would go as far as to say it has been quite easy to adapt. It’s all about making small changes and tweaks to her food. 

If you have just decided to go dairy-free or, like me, you have a little one who has just had a recent dairy allergy diagnosis, fear not - here are some easy yummy dairy-free foods and snacks.

TIP: Keep a note of the foods your child can eat stuck on the fridge to help if you are stuck or if a minder or relative is babysitting.

Hummus and breadsticks

A great lunchbox hit. Homemade or store-bought hummus is great as a butter substitute on bread or wraps.

“Dairy-Free” ranges

When you go looking there are a plethora of dairy-free ranges available in your local supermarket - milk, yoghurts, vegan cheeses, chocolate, ice cream to name just a few.

A great lunchbox hit. Homemade or store-bought hummus is great as a butter substitute on bread or wraps.


Who knew mayo was dairy-free?

Overnight oats

Overnight oats can be made with any plant-based yoghurt or milk and whatever fruit you want (or any they will eat!).


Whether store-bought or homemade, you can make smoothies with any plant-based yoghurt or milk. You can even sneak some veggies in there too - if you are brave enough!

Dark Chocolate Rice Cakes

These are a great treat. Dark chocolate rice cakes are quick, easy and handy to have in your bag. Just make sure to double-check the ingredients! While most dark chocolate is dairy-free, some isn't.

Ready Salted

Always check the ingredients, but most ready salted crisps are dairy-free. Pom Bears are a great one.


Another great snack option. Easy to have in your bag or in the car for a quick snack fix.