These simple hacks make life easier in the kitchen department.

I don't know about your home but food has taken on a whole new meaning for our family in recent weeks. Meal-times are the best parts of the day and the kitchen has become the epicenter of our lives right now. It symbolizes our social life and where we regroup as a family. It's our office, our board room and, most importantly, where our bellies stop rumbling.

As wonderful as it is, the family kitchen can come with a lot of stress. With so many mouths to feed it's bound to be a little chaotic. During lockdown there is an added layer of stress. More demands for snacks, more coffee breaks and no office kitchen banter (no offence hubby).

We've discovered some pretty great lockdown kitchen hacks that are making life easier in that department.

Frozen Bananas

Do your children go through bananas at an alarming rate? If my children see a banana they want a banana. Simple. To try control the, em banana stock, we've started freezing some of them. The added bonus is that they can be defrosted in just a couple of minutes or they are the perfect addition to smoothies or porridge from frozen.

Avocado Witchcraft

Avocado brings us joy and perhaps it does in your house too. There is nothing worse than planning a nice lunch or dinner around these beauties to only discover at the time that they are unripe or have gone bad. This Avocado colour guide is so helpful. Some days a fancy poached egg/avocado combo keeps us going!

Freezing Herbs

When cooking from scratch fresh herbs make all the difference. So often they end up losing their freshness and being dumped though. We hate wasting food so this herb freezing guide has come in super handy.

Never Buy Spring Onions Again

We love this kitchen hack because it doubles up as homeschool in our books. The kids have loved watching these magical spring onions grow and grow. We simply chop off what we need and they continue to sprout!

The Egg Blowing Hack

OK I'm not going to lie, this works about 50% of the time but when it works it WORKS. My kids think I'm an a magician and it gives us all a little laugh. We do love a boiled egg.

Make Vegetables Last Longer

We love this. This vegetable storage hack actually works. We've started storing carrots, celery and cucumber in this way and as the post says, they really do last an embarrassingly long amount of time. They also work brilliantly as a family snack with some hummus!