We've listed some tips to help you organise a great meal that will work perfectly!

The famous Christmas dinner is something that is craved and adored by all, it is the basis for a great Christmas Day and the glue that gathers all the family together. It is only natural that if you are hosting the Christmas dinner you may feel a little apprehensive at the idea but we here have listed some tips to help you along and hopefully the meal will be spectacular!
  • Plan ahead and organise- You want a day that will be remembered so plan ahead and organise yourself and your family. In the week prior to Christmas have a family meeting setting out your guidelines and ways that the whole day can run smoothly, take this as a time for the kids to tell you if there is anything they want to do. Remember as important as the meal is, your family are too so make sure you have time to enjoy the day and not be in the kitchen slaving over the hob!
  • Get the guest list and check it twice- Ensure everyone you have invited are coming along and don’t be shy about ringing them and checking twice! Having accurate numbers of people you are having over to eat is vital so to not overspend on food and minimize waste.
  • Do an inventory list and buy supplies- You will probably need some extra plates, dishes and serving utensils and if possible try and borrow them from other family members who are attending the dinner. Get plenty of candles, napkins and crackers and stick to a theme for the table décor if possible as it will look amazing.
  • Sort the house out prior to the big day- If you need to make room for tables and chairs do it now while you are free to do so in the house without loads of people around. Set the table the night before and have as much as possible done, if the bathroom needs tidying bribe one of the kids to do it and remember to get extra toilet roll for all the extra guests.
  • Prepare food ahead of time- The turkey and ham can be done on Christmas Eve and a lot of the prep too, to be one step ahead. Ask relatives to help and let them bring the starter or desserts to give you the main meal to only worry about, if you are unable to get people to do a starter or dessert consider soup as it can be frozen and done a week ahead or so. As for the dessert cheesecake can be done a day or so before and puddings, Christmas cake and mince pies are all cupboard friendly so prepare ahead.
  • Enjoy it and ask for help- Don’t be afraid to ask relatives to tidy up after dinner, or to help cook. You also need to enjoy the day and definitely you shouldn’t be on dish duty and ask the kids to join in and help. Put some festive music on in the kitchen and dance around while doing it all and you will all have a great time.
Enjoy and Happy Christmas xx