There are so many benefits to using a sling for your baby. 

There are so many benefits to using a sling for your baby. The practical benefits are that you free up your hands allowing you to comfort your baby while still being able to get other things done around the house. When your baby comes along you’ll soon realise how tricky it can be to simply stick on a wash or prepare a basic dinner for example.
It also frees you up to care for your other children who also physically need you. When your little one needs a snack, help to put their shoes on or a comforting hug you can do so while still attending to your small baby.
I remember someone telling me that I’ll never “nip” anywhere again once my baby came along. It makes me laugh now because it’s so true. Nipping to the shop or heading out for dinner on a whim are now replaced with tonnes of planning, a big bag and military precision.
Having a sling makes it a lot easier to head to the shops, post office or just out for some fresh air without needing a heavy travel system or having to lug your car seat to and from the car.
I remember doing the food shop with my baby happily strapped to me blissfully napping while my hands were free to actually do a proper shop and give the week’s food some proper thought.
The emotional and health benefits of babywearing are also huge. Wearing your baby in a sling can reduce crying and colic for example. Babies like to be close to their parent and many babies are more comfortable in an upright position. A sling can provide comfort on both of those levels especially when reflux is an issue.
Wearing your baby in a sling from when they are a newborn has so much to offer you. I am a massive believer in the fourth trimester and can attest to the huge level of comfort that babywearing can bring a newborn baby. When your baby is close you can quickly and easily respond to their needs, recognise their signals and provide comfort. It makes life with a newborn vastly easier.
Knowing where to start with a newborn sling can be a bit of a minefield but we’ve done some research on your behalf and these three sling types come highly recommended for your squishy little newborns.
1. A Stretchy Wrap
These wraps are super snuggly, light-weight and comfortable for parent and baby. The soft fabric and lack of buckles make them ideal during a time where mum might be physically healing from the birth too. These wraps are suitable from birth up until about six months and are one size fits all. They take a bit of getting used to but once you’ve gotten the hang of it you can easily pop baby in and out without even needing to take it off you.
2. A Soft Structured Buckle Carrier
Connecta and Tula are popular brands that have options that are suitable from birth. They come in a variety of beautiful prints (baby doesn’t care, but you do and that’s OK). These carriers have sturdy buckles and a lower panel to offer padded support for both baby and parent while ensuring your baby is in a suitable and safe position. There may be a certain insert or buckle required from newborn but many are suitable right through toddler hood.
3. Ring Slings
Ring slings are suitable from birth and are made using a long piece of fabric that is secured at the shoulder with rings. They are mouldable and can be adjusted to ensure both you and your baby are comfortable and safe. The material can be spread broadly to ensure that weight is distributed comfortably. Many find a ring sling comes in to it’s own when the baby becomes mobile as they can quickly be put up and down once you get the hang of it.
Tracey is a happy mammy to four-year-old Billy. She is a breastfeeder, gentle parent and has recently lost five stone so healthy family eating is her passion! You can find her at