We have super tips to get you started

I discovered Baby Led Weaning when I was doing research on fussy eating for my two year old. I had never heard of the concept before. It sounded revolutionary! No more purees! Baby Led Weaning encourages baby to eat what the family eat, it promotes healthy eating for the whole family, which I thought may help my fussy little toddler! As a busy mum of 3, not having to do separate food for baby really got me hooked!
Self-feeding supports the child’s motor development skills on many vital areas, such as their hand-eye coordination and chewing. It encourages the child towards independence and often provides a stress-free alternative for meal times, for both the child and the parents. Some babies refuse to eat solids when offered with a spoon, but happily help themselves to finger food. We are 6 weeks into Baby Led Weaning and I’m still amazed at how well she eats.
Here are my tips for starting Baby Led Weaning!
  • Do lots of reading to familiarise yourself with Baby Led Weaning. I also took a CPR class before I started weaning.
  • Wait till your baby has met all the criteria for readiness , reached 6 months old, can sit up unassisted, shows interest in food.
  • No honey for babies under 1, as honey can cause infant botulism.
  • No food that are choking hazards. Cut all food finger length sized. Grapes and cherry tomatoes should be quartered.
  • Watch out for salt content in food. Use baby friendly stock cubes.
  • Be prepared for the mess! When baby is first learning to eat much of the food ends up on the floor. I use a square piece of cheap oilcloth under the highchair.
  • Invest in some all over bibs!
Enjoy the experience!
Written by Rachal Callan, mum of 3 who writes about baby led weaning and fussy toddlers. She loves to inspire other mums by document her meals daily and sharing with other mums. Check out her instagram page
