It is important that men get time to bond with baby too

When you have a baby it is so lovely if your partner can take a few days off to bond with the new arrival. Though it isn’t always possible now with the long awaited paternity leave for fathers due in 2016 this will give new Dad’s more opportunity to spend with their little ones in those very early days. In the meantime, though there are a few things you can do to help get Dad involved with the baby after he gets in from work.
  • Make his time part of your routine- Once you have some sort of routine with your baby try work around your partner’s job and the time he has to spend with your little one. Try to avoid having your baby sleep through all the evening when your partner is home, but by all means leave time for dinner if you can. If your partner is part of your routine and knows what will happen when he gets home, it will make it easier for your baby and partner to bond as it will be “Daddy and baby time.”
  • Show him how to do things- It is hard not to take over when it comes to your baby and of course all Mammy’s struggle with letting go but it is good to get everyone the opportunity to spend time caring for baby. 
  • Leave him alone with your baby- With your partner at home you should take advantage and have some quality time to yourself, go have a bath or a little nap if you like, leaving your partner to it. Avoid rushing through your bath if you hear your tot crying and accept that your baby will cry but you and your partner need to be able to settle her or him alone and without supervision from an overzealous mammy! 
  • Try not to criticize his efforts- So your partner may not do things exactly like you and after feeding and changing your baby’s nappy the place might be as you would like but it’s not the end of the world. Maybe he hasn’t got the hang of all the juggling but he will get there. It is team work after all. 
  • Share your tricks and tips- If you know that holding your baby a certain way or swaying helps your bundle when they are in the middle of a fit of crying, show your partner how you manage it. Your partner needs to know these things and if your baby needs his head rubbed as you put him down to sleep tell him, your partner may not be you but he can be just as much of a brilliant parent as you are.
Enjoy your new baby as they grow up so fast X 
Written by Emma, staff writer with and Irish mummy blogger. Check out her own blog at