When you find out that you are expecting a baby it can feel a little overwhelming for many reasons. Life as you know it will never be the same again. It will take on a new meaning and the best really is yet to come. It may take you by surprise just how quickly the product recommendations come in from people in your life who have children (and who don’t). 

When you find out that you are expecting a baby it can feel a little overwhelming for many reasons. Life as you know it will never be the same again. It will take on a new meaning and the best really is yet to come. It may take you by surprise just how quickly the product recommendations come in from people in your life who have children (and who don’t). You are still embracing the new fact that you are pregnant and yet the list of products and gadgets seem to come flooding in at the speed of light. 
There are some products that seem like a given. A travel system, car seat and a baby changing bag are pretty standard to most people. But we are living in a time where new products and gadgets are coming to the market at an alarming rate. There is a constant stream of research and creativity that aims to make life easier for parents. 
Baby carriers (or slings as they are also known) are extremely popular these days. It seems like everywhere you look there is a baby strapped to a parent in a carrier that boasts beautiful colours and patterns. So why should you get a baby carrier and will it make life easier?
Let’s talk about the fourth trimester first. The theory behind the fourth trimester is that for the first three months of your baby’s life they simply want to be close to their mother. Anything that feels like the womb is going to give them a huge amount of comfort and security. The sound of your beating heart, the warmth of your skin and the sound of your voice are some of the things that will feel like home. In a sense, life should mimic the one they experienced in the womb. A baby carrier can be an excellent way of offering this safe and comforting environment for your newborn. They are designed so that your baby can stay close to you while you go about your day. Babies tend to sleep and settle really well in them for all of these reasons. 
Another huge positive of using a baby carrier is the flexibility it offers you as parents. It literally frees your hands so that when you need to fold laundry, make the dinner or brush your teeth you can still comfort and pacify your baby by holding them close. 
Baby carriers also come in really handy when it comes to transport. Getting on to a bus or train with a bulky travel system can be very stressful. Leaving the house with your baby in the carrier and a backpack on your back can be extremely comfortable and liberating. You can walk up narrow side streets and take the stairs in your favourite stores and restaurants. It also really helps when you are travelling a longer distance and going through an airport. 
It helps with breastfeeding. Having your baby close to you works really well with the hormones needed to build your milk supply. It also works well in terms of physically feeding your baby as they are always close by and comfortable when it is time for a feed. 
And finally, believe it or not it’s exercise too. Carrying your baby in a baby carrier is a great way to strengthen your core and increase activity levels in a gentle way. 
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at www.loveofliving.ie.