When you have a second baby, your whole life will be turned upside down. However, nothing will prepare you for the brand new range of emotions.

When you are expecting a baby, it goes without saying that your life will undergo a great amount of change. 

Pregnancy itself can introduce so many changes. Tiredness and nausea can completely change the way you spend your time and the things you enjoy doing. 

Your taste in food might change as can your choice of clothing which now has to accommodate a growing bump. 

When I was pregnant with baby number two, I expected all of the changes that come with having a new baby. I had done it before, and I could do it again. 

As it turns out, baby number two brought a few surprises in the change department. Life has changed in so many ways that I couldn’t have expected. Some are wonderful changes and others can be challenging to deal with. 

Here are ten ways that life has changed for us since baby number two made an appearance. 

  • I have completely lost my love for cooking. I forgot how much babies want/need to be in your arms and putting together a dinner is a really challenging task daily. I’m taking short-cuts out of pure necessity and if I never have to chop a vegetable again, I’ll be OK with that. 
  • I am sleeping … better. Now this one I did not expect. I was sleeping so badly towards the end of my pregnancy that even with night feeds I am getting more sleep these days. I am very grateful for this one.
  • I need a cleaner. I have a list as long as my arm of things that need doing and I have tiny pockets of time to do them. I prioritise as best I can but 90% of the jobs are neglected because the baby needs me. 
Just six weeks ago he was my baby and now he is this big tall boy in comparison to his baby sister.
  • My first baby is a MONSTER. Everyone warned me about this, but it baffles me completely. Just six weeks ago he was my baby and now he is this big tall boy in comparison to his baby sister. It feels bittersweet. 
  • There is so much guilt being felt. If I’m not feeling guilty about ignoring my first child, I’m feeling guilty about how much screen time he’s having or how processed the food is these days. 
  • I’m realizing that it is simply impossible to do it all and be it all.
  • I am that weirdo that stares at pregnant women. How is it possible to be holding my baby and feeling broody at the same time? I miss my bump. 
  • Going to the toilet with the door closed is now considered me-time. 
  • Praise the lord for breastfeeding because it gives me an excellent reason to sit down during the day when I have a million and one things on my to-do list. I love it. 
  •  I’ve been forced to learn how to go with the flow. Bed-times, meal-times and chores have all become a lot more relaxed because the baby dictates so much. In a weird way, it’s a good thing for a control-freak like me.