There are so many different systems to choose from and considering they cost from €100 to €2000+ this is a decision that requires a great deal of thought and consideration.

When you find out you are pregnant it is very common to start your travel system research almost immediately. It is a powerful symbol of parenthood that usually takes priority.
All of those images of parents pushing their newborns through a park or shopping centre will now apply to you and your life. What a surreal and wonderful thought.
However, your baby’s travel system can also come at quite a large expense. These things have to be planned for financially and for this reason they are often explored long before you’ve had your twelve-week scan. There are so many different systems to choose from and considering they cost from €100 to €2000+ this is a decision that requires a great deal of thought and consideration.
When your baby comes along your travel system can really make life easier if you use it effectively. Here we share our best tips, tricks and hacks to really make the most of your travel system as you navigate life as the parent of a new baby.
1. When choosing a travel system really think about your specific needs. Dimensions are really important when it comes to your car-boot size and the entrances and doorways you will regularly have to pass through. One person might need a large shopping basket (if they don’t drive for example) whereas the next might need a system that has wheels suitable for rough terrain. Focus less on the look and more on how it will function for you and your family.

2. Consider some extra attachments and props that might make life easier. Buggy clips are a great addition for carrying your shopping bags/changing bag and a buggy board or attachable seat may be the perfect solution when you have an older child. A cup holder is also great for a coffee on the go.
3. Your travel system could be the perfect day time sleeping solution for your baby. Many of them do the very same thing as a Moses basket and it could reduce the amount of clutter in your home. The same can be said for when you stay at someone’s house or go on a trip!

4. Always keep your travel system’s rain cover in the basket underneath the buggy. There is nothing as grim as being caught in the rain knowing that you’ve left it in the car or at home.
5. Baby wipes will be your best friend when it comes to keeping the travel system clean but a general rule of thumb is to clean immediately. Yoghurt, ice-cream or chocolate will worsen over time and lead to some pretty funky smells if not wiped immediately.

6. Pick up some reflector straps or lights to make your system visible during darker mornings or evenings. Safety is key.
7. Add ankle weights to the front wheels of the stroller to prevent heavier systems from toppling over when they have shopping and heavy bags attached to them. You can pick them up from Amazon!
8. Use stickers to label parts of the buggy and how they function to make it easier to decipher for grandparents, babysitters and your other half. A simple “push” or “pull” sticker can save twenty minutes of stress and anxiety when they are trying to take it in and out of the car for example.
Tracey is a happy mammy to four-year-old Billy. She is a breastfeeder, gentle parent and has recently lost five stone so healthy family eating is her passion! You can find her at