These three highchair hacks are about to change your life.

For many reasons, the ANTILOP is one of the world's best selling high chairs and we can see why. At €15 a pop, the IKEA chair is cheap as chips and of course, it's sturdy, durable and the construction is simple yet functional. 

Unlike many baby feeding seats on the high street, the Scandinavian retailer's high chair doesn't have any crumb catching crevices making it a dream to clean and as an added bonus it can be loaded into the back of the car without any fuss. 

But that is not all - here are 3 Ikea ANTILOP high chair hacks you may not have known:

It's dishwasher safe.

Not only is the high chair easy on the pocket, but it's also dishwasher safe too. 

Yes, you read that right. Simply remove the legs and just lob it in the dishwasher and off you go. 

The seat and table are made from polypropylene, a common plastic rated as safe for the top rack in a dishwasher. 

It's multi-purpose

It's the bath hack every parent wishes they had known. If you don't have a bath aid, don't worry, you won't need one when you have an ANTILOP highchair. 

Remove the legs and VOILA!  Hack of the century.

If you don't have a bath aid, don't worry, you won't need one when you have an ANTILOP. 

No footrest? No problem.

Sadly, the Antilop does come with its flaws, it doesn't have a footrest. 

I know, boohoo. You get what you pay for and all that. 

Unfortunately, like adults sitting on a high bar stool, young children need support for their feet to boost concentration levels while sitting in a highchair. Dangling feet can result in fidgeting and wriggling in a bid to get comfortable in turn distracting little ones from their food. 

However, all is not lost. If you're any way crafty you could whip up a little hammock to rest their little feet on, you could use a fidget band, a large elastic band usually used as part of a sensory diet for children attending Occupational Therapy or you could invest in a Footsi, an easy to use adjustable strap believed to improve posture and concentration in a highchair. 

Hands up who is running off to buy one? 
