As parents, we are usually so very excited when it comes to your baby’s first year and the milestones that are part of that. No bigger milestone exists than when your child takes his/her first mouthfuls of food and we know how much the pride fills you. However, for all the excitement it is advised not to lose the run of yourself by giving your baby foods that aren’t suitable for their age.

As parents, we are usually so very excited when it comes to your baby’s first year and the milestones that are part of that. No bigger milestone exists than when your child takes his/her first mouthfuls of food and we know how much the pride fills you. However, for all the excitement it is advised not to lose the run of yourself by giving your baby foods that aren’t suitable for their age. Remember there is plenty of time for your baby to eat certain foods and there really is no rush. Here we have compiled a list of foods you shouldn’t feed your baby in the first year.
Note: This is a rough guide and there may be more foods to add so please check with your public health nurse.
  • Step away from the honey – Everyone considers honey to be safe for babies as it is natural, but it can be a source of nasties and cause your baby some digestive problems including constipation and stomach aches. 
  • No time for nuts – Most of us know that not only should pregnant women avoid nuts and peanut butter during pregnancy but that it is off the cards for babies under 1 years old. For your own piece of mind (due to the serious allergic reactions nuts can cause) it is better to be cautious – some even advise leaving peanut butter or nuts until your youngster is 2 years old or more. 
  • Pick your vegetables – Some vegetables may not be suitable for a tiny baby including beets, spinach and lettuce which contain levels of nitrates that are considered too high for babies to digest and process. The scientific part tells us that babies don’t have the ability to break down the nitrates in their stomach and therefore, it can potentially hinder the bloods capability to transport oxygen, leading to low levels of oxygen in a baby’s body. 
  • Don’t count on cow’s milk – It is vitally important that you stick to breast milk or baby formula milk for the first year of your baby’s life. Cow’s milk is full of proteins your baby will not be able to digest. Furthermore, giving cow’s milk to baby’s can cause iron deficiency, therefore, putting them at risk of developing anaemia. Some babies will not be able to manage the lactose in their diet and diarrhoea or digestive issues can occur too. 
  • Fishing for some fish – Fish is healthy but not all fish is a good idea for babies, in fact, it can be dangerous in some cases. The mercury levels in mackerel and tuna are too high to be consumed by a young baby and remember that all shellfish should be avoided until your baby is older - 2 or 3 years old. If there are any seafood allergies in the family, please proceed with caution and seek medical advice if needed. 
  • Seasonings and seeds – Salt does not belong in a baby’s diet and spices or seeds should be avoided too. Leave seasoning till after you set aside baby’s dinner. Seeds are notoriously dangerous, and they cause a huge amount of choking incidences in the world – some of which can sadly, prove fatal. 
  • Fruity choices – Citrus fruits are acidic, and they can upset a young baby’s tummy so best leave them until your nipper is older. As for berries, most contain a protein that can be difficult for a baby to digest and small berries can be a hazard anyway if swallowed the wrong way. 
  • There are lots of things your baby can eat and if in any doubt always check with your public health nurse or family doctor. Exercise caution until you are fully sure that a baby can eat/drink certain foods or drinks. 
Written by Emma Hayes staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at