Whether you are a first time Mum or a third time Mum the rules still apply.

Every new Mum needs support whether she likes to admit it or not.
We all like to have the attitude that we can manage but asking for help is not a sign of weakness and should be encouraged. Whether you are a first time Mum or a third time Mum the rules still apply, of course you may (on your second child) be more relaxed and surely more confident but that still doesn’t mean you are immune to getting run down and tired. This is why every new Mum needs support and hopefully this will help new Mums and friends or family of new Mums. 
  • She will be tired and sore- First time Mum or subsequent child’s Mum will still be sore and incredibly tired even more so if she has a number of kiddies. If you can step in and help bring the older kids to school or off out for a few hours as I’m sure it will be greatly appreciated. 
  • She may be emotional and overwhelmed- A woman’s hormones are all over the place after having a little one and she may feel teary from time to time. In most cases it is just an accumulation of tiredness and the pressure to keep everyone happy especially the new born, however if it continues encourage her to talk to a health nurse or Doctor. 
  • The family may have financial worries- Any family will struggle with a new addition and buying huge amounts of nappies and other baby bits. You and others can help by buying nappies or other bits before or after the baba is born to ease the financial pressure. 
  • She may become lonely and be stuck indoors- If a new Mum is quite sore after the birth and has to stay indoors of course it can get rather lonesome. Having only a baby or kids to talk to all day can really leave you feeling isolated and she may count the hours till Daddy is home for some adult conversation. Be a good friend and drop in for even a half hour and let her have a natter with you, she will thank you for it in the future. 
  • The family may be very busy with siblings and struggle to eat healthily- Families are busier than ever these days and throw a new born into the mix and it can be chaotic. Eating healthily is hard when a new Mum has a baby to feed, change and care for, and if the new baby is a bad sleeper or hard to settle the new Mum may not have time to make dinners or eat herself. Making a big batch of lasagne or shepherd’s pie will be gratefully received and saves the family eating out of a take away! 
  • She might not have time to shower or get a little sleep- Always offer to take a new born from Mammy so she can have a shower or a little nap, an hour of your time is fine. A wash and a fresh pair of clothes are so lovely if you are covered in baby vomit and poop!
  • She may get over run with visitors and making cups of tea- If you are to visit a new Mum be sure to make the tea and leave her sitting down. Ring beforehand and agree on a time that suits, don’t be a bad guest and stay too long. 
So the next time someone you know has a baby and she says she doesn’t need any help be sure to let her know that all Mums need support and that you and other people are there if she needs them. 
Never let a new Mum be a martyr every Mammy needs a hand now and again. 
Written by Emma, Irish mummy blogger and staff writer at www.familyfriendlyhq.ie 
Check out her own blog at emmasmadjotters.com