It's a case of trial and error when you are a new mum however there is always learning to be got from those with experience

Hindsight is a great thing isn’t it? I absolutely don’t regret a single thing I did when caring for my son for the last 15 months, but it has been a case of trial and error. Like everything I now know a lot more than I did when I first began this journey. As a first time mother I took advice from books, friends, family, Public Health Nurses, my GP and a bit of Google thrown in to the mix. I took all advice on board and found a happy medium. What has resulted is a healthy and happy little man. If I could go back in time though, these are the things I might have changed.
  • I wouldn’t have worried about getting dressed and made-up for the first week or two. Not that I put pressure on myself or anything, but if we are lucky enough to have a second baby in the future I will be spending those first few weeks in total comfort mode, focusing on feeding and comforting my baby. 
  • I would prepare for the healing required after giving birth. We spend our entire pregnancy thinking about giving birth to our beautiful babies but it never really dawned on me that I wouldn’t feel 100% after labour. I thought I would leave the hospital skipping out the door. It’s really important to be kind to ourselves and allow ourselves to heal after such a profound mental and physical experience. 
  • I would go to a breastfeeding support group and speak to a lactation consultant before I gave birth. When my baby was born I hadn’t got a clue how to breastfeed or how it worked. After a couple of rocky days we finally got there with the help of a lactation consultant but it would have been much easier had I been more prepared and knowledgeable on the subject. 
  • I would have expected to go over by two weeks. Don’t ask me why but I was totally convinced that I would “go early”. I was full of energy, feeling great, and I was ready to meet my baby. Wishful thinking I’m sure. The next two weeks really dragged and I became very tired and fed-up. Next time I would assume that I will go over by two weeks. Anything sooner would be a bonus. 
  • I wouldn’t bother with a Moses basket. It was honestly redundant in our house. Night-feeds and cluster- feeding meant that co-sleeping with my baby was what worked better for us. Having my baby close to me meant that I could feed him on demand and comfort him without leaving the bed. This made for better sleep for everyone in the house. Of course it is important to follow the safe sleep guidelines when it comes to co-sleeping. Do your research first.
  • I would have filled the house with more snacks the freezer with more dinners that just had to be defrosted. In those early days the last thing you want to be doing is shopping and cooking. Having hearty dinners and snacks to hand makes life much easier, particularly when you are breastfeeding and have that trademark insatiable hunger all the time. 
  • I would have my baby wearing babygrows all the time. We all do it, but babygrows are so much more comfortable for a tiny baby. It is very difficult to resist those adorable clothes though. 
  • I would not use any branded bath products. Our son reacted terribly to them. I would only use Silcocks Base, Aqueous Cream or just warm water. Their skin is so incredibly delicate. 
Written by Tracey, mummy blogger and staff writer with
Check out her own blog at