Because sometimes it's nice to give something a little different

It never ceases to amaze me just how generous people can be.
I received so many beautiful gifts when I was expecting my baby and then when he arrived. My home was afloat with teeny tiny baby grows and enough packets of nappies to start my own shop. It was a massive help and I am forever grateful. 
Since I've had my son a couple of friends have often come to me for advice when it comes to them buying a present for friends of family who have just had a baby. Many of them want to get something a little outside the box. Something different to the more traditional gifts.
Here are some examples. It might just help some of you out too. 
  • Food I will never forget the day that my mother in law arrived at our house with a massive pot of Spaghetti Bolognese and a huge Shepard’s Pie. They lasted us for days. Cooking is the last thing new parents will have time to do or want to do. Having healthy home-cooked food to hand was such a treat. I plan on doing this for my friend's also. 
  • Baby Shop Vouchers You know those stores that you trail through trying to pick out the perfect baby present? The one with the rails and rails of cute baby clothes, ten different soother brands and they even have a toy section? Well why not get a voucher? Chances are your friend's will receive a lot of similar gifts. A voucher means that they can pick up items that they need when they need them. I regularly need to stock up on basics such as long sleeved vests and the soother brand that my son likes. Having a voucher at my disposal makes the experience a lot more pleasant. 
  • A Trip To The Hairdressers This one I actually received. My sister in law gave me a voucher to get my hair done. I used it a couple of months later and it was such a treat. Many new mothers will have gone a long time without having their hair done and it really is such a luxury to get out of the house and have some you-time. 
  • Baby Carrier Or Sling These can be on the pricey side but many expectant mothers are now using baby carriers or slings from birth. If your friend has mentioned one then why not bunk in together and get this gift between a couple of you? 
  • Newborn Photo shoot Another thing that many parents want to do but quite often don't get around to organizing. There is such a small window of time that those squishy newborn photos come out best. This is another great idea if a few people want to contribute to one larger present. 
Written by Tracey, mummy blogger and staff writer with
Check out her own blog at