To keep your toilet smelling fresh and clean you should use this

Even though you clean your toilet regularly it may still have an unpleasant odour

Anyone with kids (especially boys like us!) will know the challenge to keeping their toilet clean and smelling fresh. The bi-weekly clean of the loo is possibly one of the most unpleasant household chores but, let’s face it has to be done. So how about a little help to neutralise the odours and kill those pesky germs with a simple homemade recipe.
You’ll need 
  • 1 Tbsp Hydrogen peroxide (3 %( You can get this from your local chemist)
  • 160 g. of Baking soda
  • 60 ml. of Lemon juice
  • 1/2 Tbsp Vinegar
  • 20 drops of fresh smelling oil
How to make it
  • Mix the baking soda and lemon juice together
  • In a separate bowl mix the hydrogen peroxide and vinegar and add to the baking soda and lemon juice. Do this drop by drop
  • Pop in your fresh smelling oil.
  • Roll into small balls and leave to dry on grease proof paper (leave overnight) store in a dry place and use when required.

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